Volunteering for Climate Wed

On World Health day 7 April 2018, I Emmanuel Michael Emechete, was with International Climate Change Development Initative (ICCDI) A.K.A Climate wednesday, an organisation I volunteer for, it's been awesome working with them and am glad to be part of the initiative.

Climate Wednesday;engages bariga on World Health Day

Agronaturenigeria: World Health Day with Climate Wednesday
Climate change has become a "Big problem" and, I believe it takes collective effort to take adequate action in mitigation processes. In the study of Physics, we see in the Newton's laws of Motion; that the first law, talks about how a body would continue in its state of rest or uniform motion except an external force acts on it. I see climate change as the product of that external force.The earth has shifted course from it's normal and we have to bring it back on course.
His third law talks about how, to every action there is always and opposite and equal reaction. I believe that the opposite and equal reaction is for us to take a stand on Climate Action. Climate Action is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this our major focus at Orupa.


  1. Air Pollution is increasing dangerously, so we should take steps in eradicating it on this World Environment Day as well as on our regular days also. To know more about History of World Environment Day in Hindi click the link ...


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